www.gusucode.com > Piwik 网站流量统计系统 v2.9.1PHP源码程序 > Piwik 网站流量统计系统 v2.9.1/How to install Piwik.html/piwik/core/Tracker/Db.php

 * Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
 * @link http://piwik.org
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later
namespace Piwik\Tracker;

use Exception;
use PDOStatement;
use Piwik\Common;
use Piwik\Timer;
use Piwik\Tracker\Db\DbException;

 * Simple database wrapper.
 * We can't afford to have a dependency with the Zend_Db module in Tracker.
 * We wrote this simple class
abstract class Db
    protected static $profiling = false;

    protected $queriesProfiling = array();

    protected $connection = null;

     * Enables the SQL profiling.
     * For each query, saves in the DB the time spent on this query.
     * Very useful to see the slow query under heavy load.
     * You can then use Piwik::displayDbTrackerProfile();
     * to display the SQLProfiling report and see which queries take time, etc.
    public static function enableProfiling()
        self::$profiling = true;

     * Disables the SQL profiling logging.
    public static function disableProfiling()
        self::$profiling = false;

     * Returns true if the SQL profiler is enabled
     * Only used by the unit test that tests that the profiler is off on a  production server
     * @return bool
    public static function isProfilingEnabled()
        return self::$profiling;

     * Initialize profiler
     * @return Timer
    protected function initProfiler()
        return new Timer;

     * Record query profile
     * @param string $query
     * @param Timer $timer
    protected function recordQueryProfile($query, $timer)
        if (!isset($this->queriesProfiling[$query])) {
            $this->queriesProfiling[$query] = array('sum_time_ms' => 0, 'count' => 0);

        $time  = $timer->getTimeMs(2);
        $time += $this->queriesProfiling[$query]['sum_time_ms'];
        $count = $this->queriesProfiling[$query]['count'] + 1;

        $this->queriesProfiling[$query] = array('sum_time_ms' => $time, 'count' => $count);

     * When destroyed, if SQL profiled enabled, logs the SQL profiling information
    public function recordProfiling()
        if (is_null($this->connection)) {

        // turn off the profiler so we don't profile the following queries
        self::$profiling = false;

        foreach ($this->queriesProfiling as $query => $info) {
            $time  = $info['sum_time_ms'];
            $time  = Common::forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($time);
            $count = $info['count'];

            $queryProfiling = "INSERT INTO " . Common::prefixTable('log_profiling') . "
						(query,count,sum_time_ms) VALUES (?,$count,$time)
						ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE count=count+$count,sum_time_ms=sum_time_ms+$time";
            $this->query($queryProfiling, array($query));

        // turn back on profiling
        self::$profiling = true;

     * Connects to the DB
     * @throws \Piwik\Tracker\Db\DbException if there was an error connecting the DB
    abstract public function connect();

     * Disconnects from the server
    public function disconnect()
        $this->connection = null;

     * Returns an array containing all the rows of a query result, using optional bound parameters.
     * @param string $query Query
     * @param array $parameters Parameters to bind
     * @see query()
     * @throws \Piwik\Tracker\Db\DbException if an exception occurred
    abstract public function fetchAll($query, $parameters = array());

     * Returns the first row of a query result, using optional bound parameters.
     * @param string $query Query
     * @param array $parameters Parameters to bind
     * @see also query()
     * @throws DbException if an exception occurred
    abstract public function fetch($query, $parameters = array());

     * This function is a proxy to fetch(), used to maintain compatibility with Zend_Db interface
     * @see fetch()
     * @param string $query Query
     * @param array $parameters Parameters to bind
     * @return
    public function fetchRow($query, $parameters = array())
        return $this->fetch($query, $parameters);

     * This function is a proxy to fetch(), used to maintain compatibility with Zend_Db interface
     * @see fetch()
     * @param string $query Query
     * @param array $parameters Parameters to bind
     * @return bool|mixed
    public function fetchOne($query, $parameters = array())
        $result = $this->fetch($query, $parameters);
        return is_array($result) && !empty($result) ? reset($result) : false;

     * This function is a proxy to fetch(), used to maintain compatibility with Zend_Db + PDO interface
     * @see fetch()
     * @param string $query Query
     * @param array $parameters Parameters to bind
     * @return
    public function exec($query, $parameters = array())
        return $this->fetch($query, $parameters);

     * Return number of affected rows in last query
     * @param mixed $queryResult Result from query()
     * @return int
    abstract public function rowCount($queryResult);

     * Executes a query, using optional bound parameters.
     * @param string $query Query
     * @param array $parameters Parameters to bind array('idsite'=> 1)
     * @return PDOStatement or false if failed
     * @throws DbException if an exception occurred
    abstract public function query($query, $parameters = array());

     * Returns the last inserted ID in the DB
     * Wrapper of PDO::lastInsertId()
     * @return int
    abstract public function lastInsertId();

     * Test error number
     * @param Exception $e
     * @param string $errno
     * @return bool  True if error number matches; false otherwise
    abstract public function isErrNo($e, $errno);